1 Corinthians 14:1-5
Jesus is your treasure. A discussion of biblical stewardship and money.
How is stewardship actually worship? Jesus devoted roughly 25 percent of his words in the Gospels to the resources God has entrusted to our stewardship. This includes some 28 passages in the Gospels. In the Old and New Testaments combined there are over 800 verses on the subject, addressing topics…
The Seasons of the Christian Life
Thoughts on Thanksgiving
2014 Pastors and Leaders Conference
Why Christianity makes sense intellectually, emotionally and socially.
Reply with your doubts, questions and comments. Once a person studies the New Testament documents in reference to Christ’s resurrection and concludes that there is an adequate historicity and authenticity to prove that the resurrection did in fact occur, that person will realize…
A Tribute To Chuck Smith
Terror & Tragedy: Heart of the Problem is a Problem of the Heart
BY GREG LAURIE The pundits take their usual positions, each looking for someone to blame… But let’s not miss the obvious here—the heart of the problem is the problem of the heart! The Bible tells us our heart is wicked beyond comprehension, as demonstrated recently in Aurora, Colo., Newtown,…
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